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Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :Now from the dev side of things most people here try to defend their negative view on user help with the same old cliche that they prefer quality over quantity...So come on now they need 6 years to model one car and one track ? So how much perfection there is there ? Grand turismo 200 "premium" models which are mind blowing and have around 2.000.000+ polygons on them required around 2 weeks time from professional modelers.

I do agree with your point, the community has not seen 2 years worth of labour in terms of new content and we've been kept in the dark as to what Eric has been working on - or if he's just not been productive over the last couple of years.

However I can say that doing a quality car model for a modern engine can easily take up to a month. You can work faster sure, but not all year round week in and week out as you just burn yourself out.

And I do wonder if part of the delay is exactly that, are we dealing with a burn out? Personal lives encroaching on development and the team staying loyal to each other and simply waiting for issues to get resolved before pressing on? Or have the devs been deliberately lowering our expectations in order to surprise us?

What I don't understand is that Scawen has apparently hit technical difficulties to the point there's been no update in years, and during that same time Eric also hasn't produced much finished media.

Now I know that in recent times the devs have strived for perfectionism in LFS, but since when has LFS been perfect?

The bottom line is that we're having the same conversations here as were being had 2 years ago, and a lot of players have moved on from the game.

However Victor has many times in the past made a very valid point - many old players will come back further down the road. The devs are not bothered if people go off and play other games for a few years, they've always remained confident that old players will come back from time to time to see what progress has been made.

When the new patch comes out I think a lot of old players will come back. The question is whether the new patch is good enough for most of them to stay a while. And that, more than anything, would be motivation for me to make the next patch a good one if I was developing LFS.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :Still they could buy ultra realistic models from 3d modeling markets like Turbosquid but i don't believe they are going to...

Turbosquid is a rip off who only support American artists. Overseas authors are shafted and receive so little of the profit that despite getting the best sales figures of all his affiliate sites my brother found he was earning less than most of his other channels and has since quit the site in disgust after Turbosquid kept increasing his prices over his competitors citing that the quality differential meant they didnt want him being cheaper too. Good models on Turbosquid are typically 3-4 times more expensive than on other channels.

That rant aside the quality of purchased models is very inconsistent, using off the shelf media is fine for holding graphics whilst you are developing, or for set pieces or such like - but finding one that is rigged correctly for your game engine, especially when using a bespoke engine like LFS, meens there is often just as much work converting the model as getting your in house artist to make one for you.

Now the in house artists for LFS we know has produced a lot of new models but has yet to get them "perfect" enough to send them to Scawen for inclusion in the game. In any case it seems Scawen too has been struggling with low productivity because he too is distracted trying to get things "perfect" enough, so it's harldy fair to point fingers at Eric in this regard.

Regarding only have a frontwheel hatchback to race with, have you considered getting a licence for the other cars, I notice the OP account was demo - and one of the grips was not enough content...?

None-the-less after 2 or 3 years play you will most likely find yourself bored again of the extra content in S2. Mind you, that's not bad for £24 right?

I don't play LFS any more myself, after a few years of it being the only game I played I've actually gone back to not playing games again. The question isn't "what can LFS do to keep you interested after a few years play?", there's only so far that £24 will stretch afterall. The question is "What can you play afterwards that's even half as engrossing?".

Personally I turned to guitar. Sadly it cost more than £24 and i'm really struggling with the gameplay.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
For some reason I felt the urge to google a Norwegian desert ops lego man, so um, here it is...

Our very own Libian TVE
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
There is no right or wrong. Your body is your own business and what you do to it is your own concern, and to some small extent the concern of any sexual partners you have.

There are regional differences too. In Dutchland lesbians grow it all out, in Blighty it's brazilians and skin heads all the way. *shrug*. Mine is punked out sometimes, and as I'm currently in Dutchland I've let it grow some.

If anyone has issue then take it up with someone who cares.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :I waited 3 years. Do i win something?

Box of tissues?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :do you even have a specific person in mind? never see you post about that

I have loved and lost.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :seems like everyone here gets their wish with the girl's they like eventually..anyone else notice that

I guess that makes me the exception that proves the rule, damn you universe! Damn you to the pits of my swetty anus and back!
Becky Rose
S2 licensed

I'm now innanimateobjectsexual.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
It's so lucky my country doesnt have national service any more. If the thought of TVE with guns scares you imagine what i'd do :P

*leaves thread to polish her knife collection*
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :Adblock plus blocked your images from Facebook

Care? I'll tell you who cares: No-one cares.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Seeing as the thread has zombied its way back into the current discussions, I shall post a piccie of the cat I have now, as both my previous cats where killed in road accidents last year, meet Captain Fluffster (Alfie):

He's an older cat, about 5 years in age, and is annoyingly incontinent. This is in no way a reflection of him immitating his owner...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I love the idea of turbo's returning. Adjustable boost is a major contributing factor to both overtaking, and strategy with cars running at different speeds at different points in the race.

Ground effect sounds like a good way of getting over the mechanical versus aerodynamic grip deficit which is effecting how closely cars can run to each other.

Technology has moved on so much since the first appearance of ground effect cars in F1. We now have ground effect boats ( ekranoplan ) capable of over 600mph over water and that's a very unpredictable surface. So i'm sure F1 will manage to find a way to do it safer than the old 70's cars
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :[OT] Thekla, by any chance? [/OT]

Yep. I was on the Thekla, dressed like this...

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
2010 was crap, it ended with a £800+ bill on new years eve for car repairs which likely meens cancelling my shopping trip to Amsterdam in the January sales on account of having no money left.

I would say 2011 is better but I've spent most of it aching and tired on account of the excessive partying last night. I was on a party boat, in Bristol, dressed as a cat, trying to duck the attentions of an endless stream of randy men.

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I aced math and I'm an ****.

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :You understand that a lot of companies in Cambridge make millions using degree students, yes?

In fact, the Kinnect was largely developed in Cambridge by former Students of Cambridge University...

Also, between Cambridge and Wooley (just outside of Cambridge), the place where the vast majority of the UK's animal testing is done. Some in secret labs, some with protestors permanently camped outside (well maybe not in this snow).

That doesn't make all students evil monkey killing genociding maniacs.

I do wonder if you are arguing because you disagree with the points I have raised, or if you are just arguing because this is the internet.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I know alot of people that have come from UNI with degrees, or ND from college and they don't use them at all, where as people with no qualifications at all, even from school, are in a very well paid job.

It's all about getting yourself 'out there' and not assuming just because you don't have any qualifications you won't get a job, I think the way the young are taught these days is dire, mind you, the schools won't likely admit that qualifications aren't a complete necessity when finding a job. They help, but experience helps more, unless the job required demands a certificate, you will more likely get a job without the certificate and with experience than with the certificate and without experience to be honest.

I have always long since held that view, but there are some exceptions...

I live near Cambridge which is of course a city with a famous historic university, and within Cambridge there are an aweful lot of companies started by former students who lacked the experience to get a job with their shiney new degree.

Needless to say companies that have been founded by people who have been taught that the money they where giving to their university had some value tend to want employee's who followed a similar life path.

2 Miles outside of Cambridge though and things are back to normal.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :And regarding my sister, she's about 45 years old, smokes cigars and lives in costa rica... does that push your buttons?

Does she love cats?

Quote :i would say people who listen to their heart and simply "go for it" when they feel something, they will probably fail a lot more

I'm quite impulsive and without regret or fear when i'm in the mood - i'll pull anywhere from the supermarket cigarette counter to a pub toilet, but i'm utterly guilty of over analysing things afterwards.

This time last year I was in the process of breaking up with Hayley, with whome my first date lasted 5 days. So yeah, I get what you meen about impulse. But I suppose bitter experience has taught me that those early fealing always fade, and that's when I start analysing...

Quote from BlueFlame :Pulling out the humility after hearing someone died? After you basically flat out insulted her with your assumptions on why she is a lesbian? I get the impression you think you can 'turn' them by the way you posted previously.

I wouldn't worry, my opening salvo got his back up too But I think we're having a discussion - it's just slightly tarnished by being held on the internet.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :Haha, well... i can't help but think you're a little pissed at your own situation. You know, i've made my own experiences, and i thank you for the advice you wanted to give me with those two words, because in fact, it isn't a bad one (i've made this mistake before, so i know what you mean).

But again, once you find a person like this (and you can call yourself lucky if that ever happens to you), you'll know what i'm talking about. And it doesn't take you two days to know it's true. The moment your eyes meet you will know... hard to believe i know... this is why i'm saying you won't understand unless it happens to you.

I fell in love in my teens. After she died it was 10 years until I dated again.

Quote :You are lesbian, because your dad treated your mom wrong, because men have hurt you, because the men you were with had hideous dicks in their pants... i don't know, not my problem. But to me it seems like you were severly disappointed at some point in your life maybe... (i'm not trying to be offensive, please excuse me if i am) because to me it seems like you don't really believe in things your heart says.

Or because I was born that way? I knew I was different when I was 3. It took a few years to figure out what different meant thanks to 3 days bible study a week ... (do we see why i'm so outspoken on religious threads now? ).

Quote :It is nice to be able to listen to your heart, and it's even nicer if you meet somebody who does the same. Is it so hard to accept that there are people out there who believe in this?

I think people believe it, and to some extent that makes it true. I'd be interested to test and measure the successful long term statistics of those who do versus a control group though - but that's just me

Quote :You need some more love in your life, that's for sure.

I can't agree more, do you have a sister?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I know many people who can't get a job with uber qualifications because they DON'T have experience. Experience is what employers really look for. It's true. They preferably want someone who can make them money as SOON as they join the company, not, in 2years time once they understand the system of how the particular company operates.


Infact my firm is just about to offer a job out to a degree student. She got the job by volunteering to work for a few months to get experience and we liked her (she literally never stops smiling) so we are giving her a wage and keeping her on as a trainee.

It will be a full professional position once she knows how to do the stuff her degree sadly hasn't prepared her for.

Just sayin'...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :Go the **** away (sorry, but that comment was the last thing i needed), thank you very much.

Have you ever met a person who you'd even remotely consider your soulmate? I guess i can't blame you for having no idea what the **** i'm talking about then...

There was very sound advise contained within those two terse words, but i'll let you make your own mistakes because frankly I don't want to help you.

And yes I have, and i've seen your overzealous not stop for breath reaction a million times, but i'll let someone else explain about how not to crowd out a fresh relationship with over enthusiasm because I can't be bothered to deal with you or the 2 days of experience you have with your life long soul mate.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
clingy much?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I think you'll find that was a thinly veiled dig at me.

If you dish it you gotta take it , but I wouldn't have called that veiled!

Nor was it said with any real mallice.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Sigh, another generalisation.

There are over half a million university students each year. There's only 65 million of us in total!

Do the math.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Essentially your position is that because you think you're better than a handful of graduates you've met that you can use this as an example of every student. You're making very bold statements about something you have no experience of and apparently its me that the ignorant one?

I've met a lot of graduates and post graduates. Many share my views more or less, some share your own views - and from my experience those tend not to be the hardest workers or highest achievers, infact...

You forget i've been in employment two decades thus far, i've led a varied and interesting life, and have met a lot of people from all different walks of life and worked alongside more than a handful of graduates.

I can't help that I excel, I can't help being intelligent. It seems to me that it is the intelligent people who do well regardless of their education. Again, this is based upon my experiences, and is not the view of somebody who has none.

You've accused me again of tarring you all with the same brush, at no point have I done that. You didn't accuse me for a 3rd/4th time of taking sound bytes out of the press as part of your own generalisation attacks - but just because I didn't highlight and rebuke this earlier does not make it true. I'm not generalising all students at all, infact i've been very clear about the distinction between professions which require a degree and those which do not.

Quote :Fine, carry on being cynicool and completely close minded to things you know nothing about, its amazing you know so much about what goes on in higher education despite admitting to dropping out early. I can only laugh at your attempts to discredit people for daring to learn.

When I left school I did an I.T. apprenticeship, I then went to live in London and worked in photography. After that I decided - being as clueless as you are right now - that I should get an education...

So I went to college studying I.T. It quickly became apparent to me that I was so far ahead of the lecturers that I wasnt going to learn anything, after scoring straight merits and distinctions in every class/module/project I left just before the first year was up and took a job offer working in television.

Just when you think you have me sussed out, it turns out i'm not who you think I am .

So no, i've not been to university but I do have some experience of further education and am not completely clueless. All of my closest friends have been to university, and I socialised with many university students back in the day. I'm astute and observent of people, massively so, it's quite likely that i'm more analytical of people than you have a comprehension of given the nature of my mind, so yes I get it, from multiple angles at once.

I understand your perspective, you're going to get riddled with debts you didn't think you would get.

Boo hoo.

The bottom line is that I don't care. You are after something for nothing, but the fact is you still get a great deal. If there was a queue to get that deal on a mortgage i'd beat people in the queue up to get to the front, i'd use violence & weapons, i'd be willing to guage eyes and hack off limbs to secure that kind of deal (except that I already earn in excess of £21k, and could easily afford to start paying it back).

Quote :You might be able to do that in IT, again every subject and line of employment is different, some are based on hands on experience, some are based more on theoretical knowledge and research skills. Your attemps to tar every one with the same brush are quite frustrating.

Imagine how much faster you would learn how to be your chosen example of brain surgeon if you had some experience of the insides of a human body. Instead of the theory of clotting blood and patient reactions imagine if you had some experience of it from some time spent as a volunteer EMT?

Or given that you do basic medical training before becoming a surgeon and before specialising - imagine if you took time out between degrees to get some field experience before studying for a speciality?

You have a unique opportunity to learn from somebody who did it better than the average here, and you're answer is to whine and bitch and want something for free.

I'm telling you plain as day that your degree will not guarantee you a better income, and that without pursuing your chosen vocation with passion it won't help at all.

I'm telling you now, there are too many degree students - which is devaluing your degree.

I'm telling you now that the deal the government has given to you is an amazing one.

And you should listen, because I was smart enough to get where I wanted to go without a degree in a profession which expects a degree - and that meens I really am as clever as I say I am.